Wolf Beats strives to keep creativity alive. Do you want to use our music on a YouTube video of yours? Maybe you want to create a remix of your favorite song? With our free Public Music License, you can do that with no worries! Wolf Beats will allow you to use and share your creativity without taking it down.
We believe that the artist should have more control over what happens with their creations. By offering a variety of options for artists, we give them more control over their music. We keep our expenses low and offer more to the artist.
Wolf Beats Media is a label with added features. We handle the work of the artist and help distribute their work worldwide through various mediums such as online digital stores and streaming sites. We handle all legal paperwork and promotional/marketing work, this helps out by allowing the artist to keep working on projects without a worry.
We ensure that all tracks released on our label are professionally mastered to maintain a high-quality sound.
Our team of graphic designers work around the clock to create beautiful artwork that matches the tone of the song.
Wolf Beats has a team of promoters and marketing professionals that help push new releases to new people.
Quarterly reports are available along with payment. All bookkeeping is handled on our end for your convenience.